Analog multiplier using DTMOS-CCII suitable for biomedical application

In this paper we present the design of an ultra low power analog four quadrant multiplier based on second generation current conveyor(CCII). The main attractive feature of the proposed multiplier is that it is based on dynamic threshold MOS transistor (DTMOS). Due to use of DTMOS, the power consumption of proposed multiplier has been reduced by 99.92 percentage as compared to its conventional version. On the other hand, the proposed multiplier is able to operate at a frequency of 2.19MHz and hence suitable for low frequency signal processing such as biomedical application.

Multiplier circuit consists of two CCIIs and two NMOS transistors. The design of DTMOS based CCII is such that it works in sub threshold region leading to an ultra low power design. 3dB bandwidth of the multiplier is 2.19Mhz. The multiplier is designed in .18um CMOS TSMC of MOSIS and operates at a low voltage supply of 0.4V. Simulation results confirm the validity of the proposed concept.

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