Bamboo: A fast descriptor based on AsymMetric pairwise BOOsting

A robust hash, or content-based fingerprint, is a succinct representation of the perceptually most relevant parts of a multimedia object. A key requirement of fingerprinting is that elements with perceptually similar content should map to the same fingerprint, even if their bit-level representations are different. In this work we propose BAMBOO (Binary descriptor based on AsymMetric pairwise BOOsting), a binary local descriptor that exploits a combination of content-based fingerprinting techniques and computationally efficient filters (box filters, Haar-like features, etc.) applied to imagepatches.

In particular, we define a possibly large set of filters and iteratively select the most discriminative ones resorting to an asymmetric pair-wise boosting technique. The output values of the filtering process are quantized to one bit, leading to a very compact binary descriptor. Results show that such descriptor leads to compelling results, significantly outperforming binary descriptors having comparable complexity (e.g., BRISK), and approaching the discriminative power of state-of-the-art descriptors which are significantly more complex (e.g., SIFT and BinBoost).

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