List Of Scopus Indexed Journals in Computer Science 2025

List Of Scopus Indexed Journals in Computer Science 2025 are shared by us, read it and get valuable information by getting our services from carrying on journal manuscript to fast paper publication. For the most accurate and current information on Scopus indexing feel free to connect with us, we follow your paper by sticking to the impact factors, and submission guidelines.

  1. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
    • on signal-processing aspects of image processing, imaging systems, and image scanning, display, and printing we lay emphasis.
  2. Pattern Recognition
    • Pattern recognition theory and applications, including image analysis are carried out by us.
  3. Image and Vision Computing
    • Focuses on computer vision and image processing theory, applications, and systems.
  4. Medical Image Analysis
    • Covers medical image processing and analysis, including visualization and interpretation.
  5. Computer Vision and Image Understanding
    • Features research on computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition.
  6. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
    • Focuses on visual communication and image representation, including image processing technologies.
  7. Signal Processing: Image Communication
    • All aspects of image communication, including processing, analysis, and transmission are covered by us.
  8. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
    • Provides survey articles, tutorials, and educational material on signal processing, including image processing.
  9. Computer Graphics Forum
    • The official journal of the European Association for Computer Graphics, covering image processing as part of computer graphics.
  10. International Journal of Computer Vision
    • We focus on theory and applications of computer vision, including image processing aspects.
  11. Pattern Recognition Letters
    • We offer rapid publication of concise articles on pattern recognition, including image analysis.
  12. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
    • Covers signal processing theory and applications, with topics often including image processing.
  13. Digital Signal Processing
    • Focusing on digital signal processing theory and applications, including image processing.
  14. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
    • Covers research on imaging science and technology, with a focus on digital image processing.
  15. Sensors (MDPI)
    • An open-access journal covering the science and technology of sensors and biosensors, including applications in image processing.
  16. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
    • Focuses on the mathematical aspects of image processing and computer vision.
  17. Signal Processing
    • Deals with signal theory and signal processing, including applications in image processing.
  18. Visual Computer
    • Covers computer graphics, computer vision, image processing, and visualization.
  19. Machine Vision and Applications
    • Focuses on machine vision and image processing applications.
  20. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
    • Topics in computer graphics, including aspects of image processing.
  21. ACM Transactions on Graphics
    • The foremost peer-reviewed journal in graphics field, occasionally covering image processing topics.
  22. Graphical Models
    • Focuses on research and applications of graphical models, including image processing.
  23. Remote Sensing of Environment
    • An important resource for those interested in the applications of image processing in remote sensing.
  24. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
    • Covers advancements in remote sensing, including image processing techniques for satellite imagery.
  25. Journal of Electronic Imaging
    • Focuses on research and development in electronic imaging and related fields.
  26. Pattern Analysis and Applications
    • Covers pattern analysis and its applications, including image and video processing.
  27. Real-Time Imaging
    • Focuses on real-time aspects of image processing, including algorithms and applications.
  28. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing
    • Deals with real-time image and video processing technologies and applications.
  29. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
    • Focuses on visualization and computer graphics techniques, including image processing.
  30. Journal of the Optical Society of America A
    • Covers optics, image science, and vision, including image processing techniques.
  31. Optics and Lasers in Engineering
    • Focuses on the use of optics and lasers in engineering, including imaging applications.
  32. Journal of Image and Graphics
    • A journal covering image and graphics processing techniques and applications.
  33. IET Image Processing
    • Covers the processing of digital images and videos, including analysis and interpretation.
  34. Journal of Graphics, GPU, and Game Tools
    • Focuses on graphics processing techniques, including image processing in gaming and simulations.
  35. Journal of Signal Processing Systems
    • Covers the design and implementation of signal processing systems, including image processing components.
  36. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
    • Focuses on imaging systems and technology, including applications of image processing.
  37. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
    • Includes statistical approaches to image analysis and visualization.
  38. Computers & Graphics
    • Covers a wide array of topics in computer graphics, with relevance to image processing.
  39. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
    • Focuses on multimedia computing, communications, and applications, including image and video processing.
  40. Multimedia Tools and Applications
    • Covers all aspects of multimedia, including image and video processing tools and applications.
  41. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing
    • Focuses on visual languages and computing, including visual information processing.
  42. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds
    • Covers research in computer animation and virtual worlds, including image processing for creating realistic environments.
  43. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception
    • Applies theories of human perception to areas such as computer graphics, visualization, and image processing.
  44. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR)
    • Focuses on document analysis and recognition, including image processing techniques for document and text images.
  45. Signal, Image and Video Processing
    • Covers theory and applications in signal, image, and video processing.
  46. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
    • Focuses on photogrammetry and remote sensing, including image analysis and processing.
  47. International Journal of Remote Sensing
    • Covers all aspects of remote sensing, including image processing techniques for analyzing satellite and aerial imagery.
  48. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing
    • Focuses on photogrammetry, remote sensing, and geographic information systems, including image processing applications.
  49. Journal of WSCG
    • The International Journal on Computer Graphics, Visualization, and Computer Vision, including image processing topics.
  50. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
    • Focuses on applications of geoinformation and remote sensing, including image processing for earth observation.

For the most accurate and current information on Scopus indexing, impact factors, and submission guidelines, consulting the Scopus database directly or visiting the journals’ websites is recommended.

  1. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
    • Covers theoretical and experimental aspects of signal processing.
  2. Signal Processing (Elsevier)
    • Focuses on signal processing theory and applications.
  3. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
    • Provides survey articles, tutorials, and educational material on signal processing.
  4. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing
    • Deals with the processing of audio, speech, and language signals.
  5. Digital Signal Processing (Elsevier)
    • A journal focusing on digital signal processing research and applications.
  6. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
    • Covers aspects of image processing techniques and applications.
  7. Journal of Signal Processing Systems
    • Focuses on the design and implementation of signal processing systems.
  8. Speech Communication (Elsevier)
    • Deals with speech communication and signal processing aspects of speech.
  9. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
    • Publishes signal processing research with special thematic areas.
  10. Signal Processing: Image Communication (Elsevier)
    • Focuses on all aspects of image communication, including processing and transmission.
  11. Sensors (MDPI)
    • An open-access journal covering the technology and science of sensors, including signal processing applications.
  12. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (Springer)
    • Focuses on advancements in signal processing.
  13. Signal, Image and Video Processing (Springer)
    • Covers signal, image, and video processing techniques and applications.
  14. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (Springer)
    • Focuses on multidimensional systems and signal processing.
  15. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (Springer)
    • A journal covering the theory and applications of circuits, systems, and signal processing.
  16. IET Signal Processing
    • Publishes research on signal processing and its applications.
  17. Journal of the Franklin Institute (Elsevier)
    • Covers engineering and applied mathematics, including signal processing topics.
  18. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing
    • Focuses on real-time aspects of image processing.
  19. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (Elsevier)
    • Deals with signal processing in biomedical applications.
  20. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing (Wiley)
    • Focuses on adaptive control and signal processing.
  21. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
    • Covers research in wireless communications signal processing.
  22. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
    • Includes multimedia signal processing among its topics.
  23. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing
    • Covers a broad range of signal processing topics related to audio, speech, and language.
  24. Journal of Audio Engineering Society
    • Focuses on audio signal processing and audio engineering.
  25. Applied Acoustics (Elsevier)
    • Deals with applications of acoustics, including signal processing for audio.
  26. Journal of Computational Acoustics
    • Covers computational methods in acoustics, including signal processing.
  27. International Journal of Speech Technology (Springer)
    • Focuses on speech technology and signal processing for speech.
  28. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging
    • Specializes in computational imaging methods, including signal processing techniques.
  29. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
    • Covers the theory, analysis, design, and practical implementations of circuits and systems, including signal processing aspects.
  30. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs
    • Publishes brief papers on circuits and systems, including signal processing applications.
  31. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
    • Includes the development and signal processing techniques of wireless communications.
  32. Wireless Personal Communications (Springer)
    • An international journal focusing on signal processing for personal and wireless communications.
  33. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
    • Covers multimedia computing with a focus on signal processing.
  34. Journal of Communications and Networks
    • Deals with the technical aspects of communications and networks signal processing.
  35. Computer Communications (Elsevier)
    • Includes aspects of signal processing for computer communications.
  36. Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology
    • Focuses on VLSI systems for signal processing.
  37. Neurocomputing (Elsevier)
    • Covers the integration of computer science and signal processing with neurobiology and cognitive science.
  38. Pattern Recognition (Elsevier)
    • Deals with pattern recognition methods and their applications, involving signal processing.
  39. Pattern Recognition Letters (Elsevier)
    • Focuses on rapid publication of concise articles in pattern recognition, including signal processing aspects.
  40. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
    • Publishes research on sensor network design and applications, including signal processing.
  41. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Hindawi)
    • Covers advancements in electrical and computer engineering, including signal processing.
  42. Journal of Signal and Information Processing
    • An international journal that focuses on signal and information processing.
  43. Remote Sensing (MDPI)
    • An open-access journal that covers all aspects of remote sensing, including signal processing techniques.
  44. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
    • Focuses on remote sensing research and signal processing.
  45. International Journal of Remote Sensing
    • Deals with remote sensing theory, science, and applications, including signal processing.
  46. Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (IEEE)
    • Covers the application of remote sensing technology, including signal processing.
  47. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation
    • Focuses on antennas and propagation, which includes signal processing aspects.
  48. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
    • Covers antenna theory, design, and signal processing.
  49. Optics and Lasers in Engineering (Elsevier)
    • Focuses on the use of optics and lasers in engineering, including imaging and signal processing.
  50. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
    • A journal that focuses on advances in optical communications and networking, including signal processing techniques.

For the most accurate and current information on Scopus indexing, impact factors, and submission guidelines, consulting the Scopus database directly or visiting the journals’ websites is recommended.

  1. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
    • Covers the development, planning, and operation of power systems.
  2. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
    • Focuses on industrial electronics, including control systems and power electronics.
  3. IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation
    • Deals with materials and processes related to electrical insulation.
  4. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
    • Covers energy conversion systems and technologies.
  5. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
    • Focuses on research related to smart grid technologies and applications.
  6. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
    • Discusses the application of electronics to industrial and manufacturing processes.
  7. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
    • Covers the theory, analysis, design, and practical implementations of circuits and systems.
  8. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation
    • Deals with non-conductive materials (dielectrics) used in electrical systems.
  9. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
    • Focuses on the design and application of power electronic systems.
  10. Electrical Power Systems Research
    • An international journal focusing on power system research and development.
  11. IET Power Electronics
    • Covers the theory and application of power electronics.
  12. Electric Power Components and Systems
    • Focuses on components, equipment, and systems related to electric power.
  13. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
    • Deals with control system technology and applications.
  14. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology
    • Focuses on advancements in electrical engineering and technology.
  15. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
    • Covers all aspects of electrical power and energy systems.
  16. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
    • Discusses renewable and sustainable energy sources and systems.
  17. IEEE Power Engineering Review
    • Provides reviews and updates on power engineering.
  18. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
    • Deals with the science and technology of magnetics.
  19. Journal of Power Electronics
    • Focuses on research related to power electronics.
  20. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
    • Covers mobile communications, vehicles, and systems.
  21. Electric Power Systems Research
    • An international journal focusing on the science and engineering of electrical power systems.
  22. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
    • Covers the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity.
  23. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
    • Deals with microwave theory, techniques, and applications.
  24. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility
    • Discusses electromagnetic compatibility in electrical and electronic systems.
  25. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
    • Covers the physics, design, fabrication, and application of devices that use electrons.
  26. IET Electric Power Applications
    • Focuses on the applications of electrical power.
  27. Journal of Power Sources
    • Focuses on the science and technology of power sources and energy storage.
  28. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
    • Deals with the design and use of instruments and measurements.
  29. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
    • Focuses on consumer electronics and devices.
  30. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
    • Covers signal processing theory and applications.
  31. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
    • Deals with photonics technology, systems, and applications.
  32. IEEE Photonics Journal
    • An open-access journal focusing on photonics.
  33. Journal of Lightwave Technology
    • Focuses on lightwave technology and fiber optics.
  34. Optics Express
    • An open-access journal focusing on optics and photonics.
  35. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics
    • Deals with quantum electronics and its applications.
  36. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology
    • Covers nanotechnology in electronics and electrical engineering.
  37. Nanotechnology
    • Focuses on the application of nanotechnology in various fields, including electrical engineering.
  38. IEEE Transactions on Robotics
    • Discusses the theory and applications of robotics.
  39. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
    • Provides rapid publication of robotics and automation research.
  40. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
    • Covers automation science and engineering.
  41. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
    • Deals with aspects of mechatronics, which combines electrical and mechanical engineering.
  42. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems
    • Focuses on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and devices.
  43. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
    • Covers the application of electrical engineering principles to the medical field.
  44. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
    • Focuses on biomedical engineering and computing.
  45. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
    • Deals with neural networks and learning systems in electrical engineering.
  46. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    • An open-access journal covering various topics in electrical and computer engineering.
  47. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
    • Discusses wireless communications theory and technologies.
  48. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
    • Provides short papers on wireless communications.
  49. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
    • Covers wireless communications and mobile computing research.
  50. IEEE Access
    • A multidisciplinary, open-access journal, covering all areas of electrical engineering and related disciplines.

For the most accurate and current information on Scopus indexing, impact factors, and submission guidelines, consulting the Scopus database directly or visiting the journals’ websites is recommended.

  1. Renewable Energy
    • Covers research, development, and applications of renewable energy technologies.
  2. Solar Energy
    • Focuses on the research, development, application, and measurement of solar energy.
  3. Wind Energy
    • Deals with the science, technology, and economics of wind energy.
  4. Energy Conversion and Management
    • Focuses on conversion, storage, distribution, and management of energy.
  5. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
    • Provides comprehensive reviews on renewable and sustainable energy sources.
  6. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
    • Covers theoretical and practical aspects of sustainable energy.
  7. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering
    • Focuses on engineering and technology aspects of solar energy.
  8. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
    • Deals with materials and technologies for photovoltaic and solar energy conversion.
  9. Applied Energy
    • Focuses on energy solutions research, development, and applications.
  10. Energy
    • An international journal focusing on energy engineering and research.
  11. International Journal of Energy Research
    • Covers all areas of energy research, including renewable energy technologies.
  12. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
    • An interdisciplinary journal focusing on renewable and sustainable energy practices.
  13. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
    • Provides reviews of research on energy and combustion science.
  14. Wind Engineering
    • Focuses on the aerodynamic, structural, and operational aspects of wind energy.
  15. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
    • Covers research on hydrogen energy, including production and storage.
  16. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
    • Deals with assessments and developments in sustainable energy technologies.
  17. Energy for Sustainable Development
    • Focuses on energy issues in developing countries and global sustainability.
  18. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics
    • Deals with wind engineering, aerodynamics, and related fields.
  19. Energy Policy
    • Covers policy, economics, and socio-environmental aspects of energy.
  20. Energy and Buildings
    • Focuses on energy use in buildings and the built environment.
  21. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
    • Deals with electrical power systems and energy systems analysis.
  22. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
    • Focuses on the technology and application of photovoltaics.
  23. Journal of Power Sources
    • Covers the technology and application of primary and secondary batteries and fuel cells.
  24. Bioresource Technology
    • Deals with the technical aspects of bioenergy, including biofuels.
  25. Journal of Cleaner Production
    • Focuses on sustainable development and cleaner production methods.
  26. Applied Thermal Engineering
    • Deals with the thermal aspects of energy systems.
  27. Energy Efficiency
    • Covers research on energy efficiency in various sectors.
  28. Journal of Energy Storage
    • Focuses on energy storage technology and applications.
  29. International Journal of Green Energy
    • Covers all aspects of green energy technologies and applications.
  30. Journal of Energy Engineering
    • Focuses on the planning, design, construction, and operation of energy systems.
  31. Solar Physics
    • Deals with solar physics and solar-terrestrial physics.
  32. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
    • Covers the conversion of electrical energy from one form to another.
  33. Frontiers in Energy Research
    • An open-access journal covering various energy research topics.
  34. International Journal of Sustainable Energy
    • Focuses on the theory and practice of sustainable energy.
  35. Energy Exploration & Exploitation
    • Deals with the exploration, exploitation, and utilization of energy resources.
  36. Journal of Energy Resources Technology
    • Focuses on the engineering and technology of energy resources.
  37. Wind and Structures
    • An international journal focusing on wind engineering and structural engineering.
  38. Renewable Energy Focus
    • Covers the latest developments in renewable energy research and applications.
  39. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects
    • Deals with energy recovery, utilization, and its environmental effects.
  40. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy
    • Focuses on the economics, planning, and policy of energy sources.
  41. International Journal of Ambient Energy
    • Deals with the study and application of ambient energy.
  42. Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications
    • Focuses on the fundamentals, applications, and advancements in renewable energy.
  43. Journal of Renewable Energy
    • An open-access journal that covers various aspects of renewable energy.
  44. Solar and Wind Technology
    • Deals with technical developments in solar and wind technologies.
  45. Sustainable Cities and Society
    • Focuses on sustainable urban development, including energy considerations.
  46. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
    • Covers sustainable development in energy, water, and environmental systems.
  47. Energy & Environment
    • Deals with the interaction between energy and the environment.
  48. Energy Reports
    • An open-access journal covering a wide range of energy topics.
  49. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development
    • Focuses on research and development in renewable energy.
  50. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies
    • Deals with low-carbon technologies and carbon footprint reduction.

List Of Scopus Indexed Journals in Computer Science 2025

List Of Scopus Indexed Journals in Computer Science 2025 we cover a wide range of topics, please reach out to us for the most precise and up-to-date information regarding Scopus indexing. We monitor your paper in accordance with the impact factors and submission guidelines that impress the editors. Journal Title ISSN Subjects
1. COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS-UK 0097-8493 Computer Science & Engineering
2. COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY 0166-3615 Computer Science & Engineering
3. COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES 0920-5489 Computer Science & Engineering
4. COMPUTING 0010-485X Computer Science & Engineering
5. COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS 1335-9150 Computer Science & Engineering
6. INTERACTING WITH COMPUTERS 0953-5438 Computer Science & Engineering
11. RAIRO-THEORETICAL INFORMATICS AND APPLICATIONS 0988-3754 Computer Science & Engineering
12. REAL-TIME SYSTEMS 0922-6443 Computer Science & Engineering
13. REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING 0947-3602 Computer Science & Engineering
14. SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES 1674-733X Computer Science & Engineering
15. SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 0167-6423 Computer Science & Engineering
16. DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS 2468-5925 Information Technology & Communication Systems
17. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS 1567-4223 Information Technology & Communication Systems
18. ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1751-7575 Information Technology & Communication Systems
19. ETRI JOURNAL 1225-6463 Information Technology & Communication Systems
20. EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING 1687-1472 Information Technology & Communication Systems
21. MICROWAVE JOURNAL 0192-6225 Signal Processing/Circuits & Systems
22. BELL LABS TECHNICAL JOURNAL 1089-7089 Information Technology & Communication Systems
23. BUSINESS & INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2363-7005 Information Technology & Communication Systems
24. COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS 0140-3664 Information Technology & Communication Systems
25. COMPUTER NETWORKS 1389-1286 Information Technology & Communication Systems
26. COMPUTERS & SECURITY 0167-4048 Information Technology & Communication Systems
27. WORLD WIDE WEB-INTERNET AND WEB INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1386-145X Information Technology & Communication Systems
28. IMA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CONTROL AND INFORMATION 0265-0754 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
30. INTELLIGENT SERVICE ROBOTICS 1861-2776 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
32. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ROBOTIC SYSTEMS 1729-8814 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
33. KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW 0269-8889 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
34. KYBERNETES 0368-492X Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
35. KYBERNETIKA 0023-5954 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
36. MACHINE LEARNING 0885-6125 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
37. MACHINE VISION AND APPLICATIONS 0932-8092 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
38. NEURAL NETWORKS 0893-6080 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
39. NEURAL NETWORK WORLD 1210-0552 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
40. NEUROCOMPUTING 0925-2312 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
41. OPTIMAL CONTROL APPLICATIONS & METHODS 0143-2087 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
42. PATTERN ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 1433-7541 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
43. SOFT ROBOTICS 2169-5172 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
44. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS 0167-6911 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
47. IEEE MULTIMEDIA 1070-986X Computer Science & Engineering
48. IEEE SOFTWARE 0740-7459 Computer Science & Engineering
49. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING 1949-3045 Computer Science & Engineering
50. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIG DATA 2332-7790 Computer Science & Engineering
51. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING 2168-7161 Computer Science & Engineering
52. MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS 0141-9331 Computer Science & Engineering
53. MULTIDIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING 0923-6082 Computer Science & Engineering
54. MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS 0942-4962 Computer Science & Engineering
55. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS 1380-7501 Computer Science & Engineering
56. NATURAL COMPUTING 1567-7818 Computer Science & Engineering
57. VIRTUAL REALITY 1359-4338 Computer Science & Engineering
58. VISUAL COMPUTER 0178-2789 Computer Science & Engineering
60. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL 0947-3580 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
61. EXPERT SYSTEMS 0266-4720 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
62. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS 0957-4174 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
63. FRONTIERS IN NEUROROBOTICS 1662-5218 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
64. NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING   Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
65. NATURE MACHINE INTELLIGENCE   Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
66. NETWORK-COMPUTATION IN NEURAL SYSTEMS 0954-898X Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
67. NEURAL COMPUTATION 0899-7667 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
68. NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS 0941-0643 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
69. PATTERN RECOGNITION 0031-3203 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
70. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS 0167-8655 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
71. PRESENCE-VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY 1054-7460 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
73. ROBOTICA 0263-5747 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
74. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS 0921-0296 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
75. JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH 1532-4435 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
76. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL IMAGING AND VISION 0924-9907 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
78. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS 0950-7051 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
79. COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS 0891-2017 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
80. COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING 1077-3142 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
81. CONNECTION SCIENCE 0954-0091 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
82. CONSTRAINTS 1383-7133 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
83. CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE 0967-0661 Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control
84. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC 1529-3785 Computer Science & Engineering
85. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-HUMAN INTERACTION 1073-0516 Computer Science & Engineering
86. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS 0734-2071 Computer Science & Engineering
87. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTING EDUCATION 1946-6226 Computer Science & Engineering
88. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON DATABASE SYSTEMS 0362-5915 Computer Science & Engineering
89. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AUTOMATA 1557-5969 Computer Science & Engineering
91. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE 1877-7503 Computer Science & Engineering
92. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES 0022-0000 Computer Science & Engineering
93. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER LANGUAGES 2590-1184 Computer Science & Engineering
94. NEW GENERATION COMPUTING 0288-3635 Computer Science & Engineering
95. PARALLEL COMPUTING 0167-8191 Computer Science & Engineering
96. PEERJ COMPUTER SCIENCE   Computer Science & Engineering
97. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 0166-5316 Computer Science & Engineering
98. PROCEEDINGS OF THE VLDB ENDOWMENT 2150-8097 Computer Science & Engineering
99. Real-Time Systems 9226443 Computer Networks and Communications
100. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems 10609857 Computer Networks and Communications
101. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 10642307 Computer Networks and Communications
102. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences 2397528 Computer Networks and Communications
103. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 13845810 Computer Networks and Communications
104. International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing 19380259 Computer Networks and Communications
105. Electronics and Communications in Japan 19429533 Computer Networks and Communications
106. EDPACS 7366981 Computer Networks and Communications
107. Vascular Cell 2045824X Computer Networks and Communications
108. Observatorio 8748810 Computer Networks and Communications
109. Radioelectronic and Computer Systems 18144225 Computer Networks and Communications
110. Cryptography   Computer Networks and Communications
111. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3029743 Computer Science (all)
112. Complexity 10762787 Computer Science (all)
113. Computers and Composition 87554615 Computer Science (all)
114. Concurrent Systems Engineering Series 13837575 Computer Science (all)
115. Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic 0195623X Computer Science (all)
116. Computing in Cardiology 23258861 Computer Science (all)
117. Ubiquitous Learning 18359795 Computer Science (all)
118. International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach 1935570X Computer Science (all)
119. Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A – Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science 14549069 Computer Science (all)
120. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology 14538245 Computer Science (all)
121. MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems 2767783 Computer Science Applications
122. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 9236082 Computer Science Applications
123. International Journal of Systems Science 207721 Computer Science Applications
124. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 17415977 Computer Science Applications
125. Real-Time Systems 9226443 Computer Science Applications
126. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 14726947 Computer Science Applications
127. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 1692607 Computer Science Applications
128. Speech Communication 1676393 Computer Science Applications
129. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems 10637125 Computer Science Applications
130. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 15320464 Computer Science Applications
131. Journal of Electronic Imaging 10179909 Computer Science Applications
132. IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine 1531636X Computer Science Applications
133. Journal of Computer Science and Technology 10009000 Computer Science Applications
134. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 2664909 Computer Science Applications
135. Computer Music Journal 1489267 Computer Science Applications
136. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 13873954 Computer Science Applications
137. CMES – Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 15261492 Computer Science Applications
138. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 9650393 Computer Science Applications
139. Engineering Optimization 0305215X Computer Science Applications
140. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 9242716 Computer Science Applications
142. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUTONOMOUS AND ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS 1556-4665 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
143. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY 2157-6904 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
144. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INTERACTIVE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS 2160-6455 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
145. ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR 1059-7123 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
149. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS 0218-2130 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
150. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON DOCUMENT ANALYSIS AND RECOGNITION 1433-2833 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
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152. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON THE WEB 1559-1131 Computer Science, Information Systems
153. ACTA INFORMATICA 0001-5903 Computer Science, Information Systems
154. AD HOC NETWORKS 1570-8705 Computer Science, Information Systems
155. AD HOC & SENSOR WIRELESS NETWORKS 1551-9899 Computer Science, Information Systems
156. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 0925-9902 Computer Science, Information Systems
157. JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY 1607-9264 Computer Science, Information Systems
159. JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 0742-1222 Computer Science, Information Systems
160. JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 1064-7570 Computer Science, Information Systems
161. ACM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING AND CULTURAL HERITAGE 1556-4673 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
162. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MODELING AND COMPUTER SIMULATION 1049-3301 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
163. ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE 0965-9978 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
165. ACM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING AND CULTURAL HERITAGE 1556-4673 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
166. EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATICS 1865-0473 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
167. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS 1567-4223 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
168. ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS 0264-4401 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
169. ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS 0177-0667 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
170. ENTERTAINMENT COMPUTING 1875-9521 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
171. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY 1049-331X Computer Science, Software Engineering
172. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON STORAGE 1553-3077 Computer Science, Software Engineering
173. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON THE WEB 1559-1131 Computer Science, Software Engineering
174. ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE 0965-9978 Computer Science, Software Engineering
175. ALGORITHMICA 0178-4617 Computer Science, Software Engineering
176. ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS 0360-0300 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
177. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON ALGORITHMS 1549-6325 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
178. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON ARCHITECTURE AND CODE OPTIMIZATION 1544-3566 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
179. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUTONOMOUS AND ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS 1556-4665 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
180. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC 1529-3785 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
181. IBM JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 0018-8646 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
182. IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING 1063-6692 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
183. IEEE ANNALS OF THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1058-6180 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
184. IEEE MULTIMEDIA 1070-986X Computer Science, Theory & Methods
185. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIG DATA 2332-7790 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
186. Information and Management 3787206 Information Systems
187. Information Systems 3064379 Information Systems
188. Information Systems Journal 13501917 Information Systems
189. International Journal of General Systems 3081079 Information Systems
190. Journal of Computer Information Systems 8874417 Information Systems
191. Journal of Electronic Publishing 10802711 Information Systems
192. Informatica 8684952 Information Systems
193. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 10642315 Information Systems
194. Information and Computation 8905401 Information Systems
195. Zidonghua Xuebao/Acta Automatica Sinica 2544156 Information Systems
196. Journal of Cases on Information Technology 15487717 Information Systems and Management
197. International Journal of Business Information Systems 17460972 Information Systems and Management
198. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 17438187 Information Systems and Management
199. Webology 1735188X Information Systems and Management
200. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 17427967 Information Systems and Management