2-D Entropy and Short-Time Fourier Transform to Leverage GPR Data Analysis Efficiency – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
A novel approach for features extraction in physiological signals – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
On the distributed acoustic sensing based on local time-frequency coherence analysis – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
A Low-Voltage 35-GHz Silicon Photonic Modulator-Enabled 112-Gb/s Transmission System – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
ReLiSCE: Utilizing Resource-Limited Sensors for Office Activity Context Extraction – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
Simple Broadband Quasi-Optical Spatial Multiplexer in Substrate Integrated Technology – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
Total generalized variation for graph signals – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
Laplacian matrix learning for smooth graph signal representation – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
Applications of narrow-filtering based on optical coherent detection – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
Infinite Impulse Response Graph Filters in Wireless Sensor Networks – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
A Low-Complexity Real-Time 3-D Sonar Imaging System With a Cross Array – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
Outdoor localization technique using active RFID technology aimed for security and disaster management applications – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
Low-Energy Two-Stage Algorithm for High Efficacy Epileptic Seizure Detection – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
Recent advances in millimeter-wave radars – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
Using Traffic Self-Similarity for Network Anomalies Detection – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
Quaternary Polarization-Multiplexed Subsystem for High-Capacity IM/DD Optical Data Links – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
On the strong divergence of Hilbert transform approximations from sampled data – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
Experimental Parametric Study of a Silicon Photonic Modulator Enabled 112-Gb/s PAM Transmission System With a DAC and ADC – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
New pre-emptive arc fault detection techniques in medium voltage switchgear and motor controls – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
Low-Cost Diagnosis of Rotor Asymmetries in Induction Machines Working at a Very Low Slip Using the Reduced Envelope of the Stator Current – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
Robust widely linear beamformer based on a projection constraint – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
MACRON: The NoC-Based Many-Core Parallel Processing Platform and Its Applications in 4G Communication Systems – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
Signal Recovery on Graphs: Variation Minimization – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
A review on decade of multi-rate filters – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
Fully Blind Linear and Nonlinear Equalization for 100G PM-64QAM Optical Systems – Final Year Matlab Projects for ECE |
2015 IEEE final year matlab projects for ece |