Spatio-temporal flow pattern observations using bio-inspired hair flow sensors – Matlab Projects PHD |
An Unsupervised Hair Segmentation and Counting System in Microscopy Images – Matlab Projects PHD |
Smart skin of self-powered hair cell flow sensors for sensing hydrodynamic flow phenomena – Matlab Projects PHD |
Automated lesion border detection of dermoscopy images using spectral clustering – Matlab Projects PHD |
Parsing based on Parselets: A Unified Deformable Mixture Model for Human Parsing – Matlab Projects PHD |
DietCam: Multi-View Food Recognition Using a Multi-Kernel SVM – Matlab Projects PHD |
Food image recognition using deep convolutional network with pre-training and fine-tuning – Matlab Projects PHD |
A probabilistic model for food image recognition in restaurants – Matlab Projects PHD |
Leveraging Context to Support Automated Food Recognition in Restaurants – Matlab Projects PHD |
Recipe recognition with large multimodal food dataset – Matlab Projects PHD |
Geolocalized Modeling for Dish Recognition – Matlab Projects PHD |
Smart table surface: A novel approach to pervasive dining monitoring – Matlab Projects PHD |
Improving the Recognition of Eating Gestures Using Intergesture Sequential Dependencies – Matlab Projects PHD |
The case for smartwatch-based diet monitoring – Matlab Projects PHD |
High-Order Statistics of Weber Local Descriptors for Image Representation – Matlab Projects PHD |
Recognition of Nutrition Intake Using Time-Frequency Decomposition in a Wearable Necklace Using a Piezoelectric Sensor – Matlab Projects PHD |
Image Analysis: The New Bottleneck in Plant Phenotyping [Applications Corner] – Matlab Projects PHD |
Multiple Hypotheses Image Segmentation and Classification With Application to Dietary Assessment – Matlab Projects PHD |
Classification of processed hazelnuts with computer vision – Matlab Projects PHD |
Using distance estimation and deep learning to simplify calibration in food calorie measurement – Matlab Projects PHD |
To skip or not to skip? A dataset of spontaneous affective response of online advertising (SARA) for audience behavior analysis – Matlab Projects PHD |
Turkish OCR on mobile and scanned document images – Matlab Projects PHD |
OCR and RFID enabled vehicle identification and parking allocation system – Matlab Projects PHD |
Matching Musical Themes based on noisy OCR and OMR input – Matlab Projects PHD |
Ocrapose: An indoor positioning system using smartphone/tablet cameras and OCR-aided stereo feature matching – Matlab Projects PHD |
2015 IEEE matlab projects phd |