Lung Segmentation:

Three kinds of segmentations to be performed

  1. Apply firefly algorithm for getting best optimized solution and apply fuzzy c-means segmentation.
  2. Generate alarm pixels and perform region growing algorithm.
  3. Fuzzy based segmentation to be performed based on segmentation, refinement process and morphological based refinement.

Object Based Image Enhancement:

  1. Pre-Processing and Morphological Processes are performed by spatial median filter and morphological operations (dilation, erosion).
  2. Edge detection can be done with canny edge detector.
  3. Image enhancement to be done with the help of fuzzy technique based on mamdani rule.

Audio Encryption:

  1. Audio cryptography is an improvement of image cryptography.
  2. Perform cryptographic operation use AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm.
  3. Audio files are encrypted at one side and it will be decrypted by another side.

Age Synthesis:

  1. Take input from FG-net database.
  2. Age synthesis can be performed on faces by using face modeling and age synthesis algorithms.
  3. Age estimation can be performed based on image representation models and age estimation algorithms.

Image Forensics:

  1. Original images are taken from MICC-F220 database.
  2. Perform image forensic tools like jpeg Ghosts and Non-Aligned Jpeg Compression.
  3. Results are fused with fuzzy based on mamdani rules.

Fingerprint Recognition:

  1. Fingerprint images are loaded and perform enhancement, minutia matching.
  2. Binarization and thinning are important operations of fingerprint recognition.
  3. Bifurcation orientation based matching to be performed.

Plant Disease Identification:

  1. Plant leaf images are stored in database
  2. Perform processes of pre-process

Object Detection:

  1. Input videos are converted into frames done Map Estimation
  2. Spatial segmentation and temporal segmentation

Cancer Detection:

  1. Breast cancer to be detected by efficient classification algorithm.
  2. Wavelet transformation should be applied and feature extraction.
  3. Region Based segmentation and neural network algorithm based classification.

Image Forensics:

  1. Original images are taken from MICC-F220 database.
  2. Perform image forensic tools like jpeg Ghosts and Non-Aligned Jpeg Compression.
  3. Results are fused with fuzzy based on mamdani rules.